
Obscure Types of Girls

Rugosa rosegirl

a sly and sharp girl with adorable rosy cheeks. She's wearing a dark red head covering that frames her face like a rose. she looks like she's plotting something and her smirk has a single fang.
She's so pretty!!! Ignore the 3 inch long iron thorns. Those are her fangs.

Nuclear coregirl

Her hair is blue, not because she dyes it, but because she is emitting 10,000,000 rem/hr and the water she is immersed in is reacting with Cherenkov radiation.


She thinks about engineering for 86400.0025 seconds per day. Her and Public transportationgirl have some sort of understanding.

Passenger pigeongirl

A gray-haired girl with black highlights and a pink sweater. She's wearing pink eyeshadow.
She's dumb as hell but a total sweetheart. You haven't seen her for a while, how's she doing?

Failed revolutiongirl

a jaded and scarred girl with dead eyes
There's a certain communist dykeishness about her.



a very pale girl with green hair and a wicked smile
She's crunchy.


Public transportationgirl

 a sharply dressed girl with braces and braids, and glasses. she looks smart and cute and a bit scrappy despite her suit
My beautiful wife who is on every city council <3

Hadopelagic zonegirl

a dark gray girl with light freckles, an eyepatch, and black hair. She is nearly invisible on the black background like a deep sea fish
She's always sleepy. Nothing else is known about her.


Clay-rich loamgirl

a smiling girl with a dark brown afro, a frog shirt, and freckles.
She has stars on her cheeks because this kind of soil is perfect in my opinion. Her and Vegetablegirl are passionately wed.